"It puts you in a deep sleep, you wake up the next morning very refreshed..I feel so much better!" I just wanted to share with you that I downloaded the CD, & I have been using it ever since, for little over a week now I have been using it every night. And it puts you in a deep sleep, you wake up the next morning very refreshed & I love it. I feel so much better. I have been able to concentrate more on my work and to start earlier in the morning after I get my exercise done. It’s awesome, & I think everybody can benefit from it. Donna Brogan http://donnalbrogan.com
Because we lead such busy lives, we tend to forget that Sleep is not merely the opposite of effort or activity. Sleep is in fact the source, and is energetic nourishment for all that we want to accomplish.
During sleep, the body is flooded with hormones that cause relaxation and slow down the organ systems, allowing our organs to regain their strength and to heal. Sleep time is when our immune system is able to fortify our bodies. During normal sleep cycles, the brain has the opportunity to process information at different y levels. Dreaming is one of our primary mechanisms for clearing the stress and unprocessed emotions of the day. Many studies now demonstrate that a significant proportion of our physical and mental ills start with our unhealthy relationship to sleep and rest.
Each of the sleep stages and complete sleep cycles is essential to a normal night of healthy sleep. Sleep deprivation studies indicate it is important that we spend sufficient time in each stage during our sleep. For instance when we are deprived of REM sleep, there are serious side effects, such as irritability, loss of ability to learn and recall information, and sometimes hallucinations.
When we are deprived of sleep we tend to turn to drugs or to artificial sleep aids. However the use of drugs and artificial sleep aids tends to dramatically lowers the brain frequency in to a sleep state that is unnatural and unhealthy, and to keep it there much of the night. You lose the normal rhythms of your sleep cycles and are deprived of the restorative REM stage of sleep. This pattern is made worse when you need to rely on amphetamines or other stimulants in the morning to get going again.
Repeated loss of sleep affects all areas of your life: the physical, mental, and emotional. Among the many reasons for getting a good night’s sleep are because sleep is essential for restoring each of your body systems, your motor and cognitive functions, conserving energy, consolidating memory, brain development (the reason why infants spend such a long while in REM sleep), and discharging emotions through dream cycles.
"I haven’t managed to hear it through, because I keep falling asleep!" I have a problem with Johneal’s natural sleep CD – I haven’t managed to hear it right through yet because I keep falling asleep! In fact I seem to be falling asleep within a few minutes of his soothing voice starting, even though my mind has been overloaded with thoughts just before I go to bed. I am sleeping soundly and waking up refreshed in the morning. Highly recommended for a sound night’s sleep. Michelle M. Melbourne, Australia Michelle Mayur http://www.heal-the-healer.com
You see it’s not your fault that you continue to sleep poorly. Many of us approach sleep as something we have to attempt or accomplish, rather than something that happens naturally. In addition, we live in a stressful society, where it hard to relax and fall sleep. Finally, many of the available sleep aids and relaxation programs, do not address or shift your conditioned patterns and anxieties about sleep. Your conditioned thoughts about sleep are controlled by your subconscious mind.
The Natural Night Sleep Program is designed so that you will fall asleep easily by simply listening to the recording. As you go to bed, you will:
"The quality of my sleep is so much better each time I listen" Because of a serious health condition, my sleep patterns were highly disrupted and I was unable to get more than 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted sleep at a time, as a result I was in a state of constant fatigue. When I listened to your Sleep CD the first couple of times I slept better than I had ever done before . Since then I have been getting between 6 to 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night, the quality of my sleep is also so much better each time I listen . Mary McQueen, UK Mary McQueen
That’s a good question. Before I answer, I have a couple of questions for you. How much…
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