Congratulations, your search is finally over! You’re about to embark upon the most wonderful journey of your life. It’s been a long time coming, but finally it’s here. Let me take a moment of your time to tell you about one of the most precious discoveries of recent times: THE KEY TO LUCID DREAMING.
Maybe its something you’ve been actively seeking for years? Perhaps this website is something you’ve stumbled upon by accident?
You might be reading this with some trepidation and perhaps a touch of cynicism. In many ways, you’re right to be cautious. After all, LUCID DREAMING IS A POWERFUL LIFE CHANGING FORCE.
There’s no need to fear! The beauty of Lucid Dreaming Secrets Unveiled is that it teaches you not just how to harness that power, but also how to use it to your advantage.
WARNING: lucid dreaming is not something to be entered into lightly. It will bring you happiness, wisdom and self-fulfillment, butYOU NEED A RELIABLE GUIDE. There are plenty of imitators ofLucid Dreaming Secrets Unveiled out there but THIS IS THE GENUINE GUIDE.
Ask yourself what do you want from life. If you’re at all curious about experiencing new means of perception and achieving true happiness, then yes, lucid dreaming will improve your life!
If the answer to any of those questions is ‘YES’ thenyou owe it to yourself to find out more about the power of lucid dreams.
It was only by chance that I stumbled upon the incredible truth about the power of lucid dreams. Let’s face it, lucid dreaming is one of those things that isn’t widely known!
For me, the awesome full knowledge of lucid dreams came at a point when I felt as if my life was going nowhere. In fact, if I hadn’t learned how to harness the power of lucid dreaming, I doubt that I’d be able to function as a normal person today!
Have you ever had one of those dreams where you know that you’re dreaming but you stillget completely caught up with what’s happening in the dream? In very simple terms, these dreams are the ‘building blocks’ of the art of lucid dreaming.The important thing to learn is what to do with those particular types of dreams.
Until I learnt the secrets, I’d experienced those dreams very occasionally. I thought that they were kind of ‘weird’ but other than that, I didn’t pay too much attention to them.
As a child and ager I was always kind of a happy-go-lucky type of person. There wasn’t a specific event that caused all of that to change but it was definitely the case that once I reached my mid twenties, things no longer seemed to be going right for me.
Suddenly it seemed that everything was against me. For one thing I’d been seeing my girlfriend since college. We’d been engaged for a year and we’d spent months planning what I thought was going to be the perfect wedding. Just a month before the big day she called me up to say it didn’t ‘feel right’ to go through with the big day.
That was bad enough but to be honest I would have been able to move on and get over it if it wasn’t for the fact that other bad things were happening as well.A month after the break-up I was knocked off my bicycle and had to spend four weeks in a leg cast. What’s more, I ended up getting a new boss at work who took a major dislike to me. It got to a point where I dreaded waking up in the morning!
By this time I was feeling so low that I felt as if I could no longer be bothered making an effort striving for my goals any more. What was the point?
My life had gone seriously off track and I couldn’t see a way out. I went to see my doctor. All he could really do though was to refer my to a the or psychiatrist and give me some pills! I knew that I wasn’t ill! I just needed some direction!
The answer came by accident. I was browsing through an old second hand bookshop when I came upona guide to Tibetan philosophy and mysticism. I happened to come across a section on lucid dreams. The reason why this struck me was because the night before, I had experienced one of those dreams where you can kind of control what’s happening.
I’d dreamt that I’d been at work and was having a conversation with the boss who had been bullying me. What was annoying…
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