Creating a connection to God / the Universe / Higher Mind / the Source has now moved to the top of their priority list. We want peace and we can have it!
We have been conditioned to try to find fulfillment in the material world. This often leads to an insatiable appe e for things, new positions, status, more and more. For a moment you find pleasure in things. Then very soon your need is for more – more money, more stuff, the latest model, or newest technology etc. The truth is that you can never find fulfillment in ac ulating more stuff. Happiness is out of sight because it cannot be found in the material world. The state of undeniable, unending joy that you seek lies within. You will find it by quieting your mind and connecting with your Inner Self. From there you will make the choices that transform your life.
“There’s no way for me to describe how thankful I am to you for everything! I feel like I’m beginning to operate as my Higher Self now. Thank you, thank you, thank you! My businesses are coming together. I am experiencing success. And it is all happening so fast.” – Lisa R
“This cl is more than just a cl it is an experience in spiritual growth. During one of the most challenging times of my life, this cl was instrumental in my embracing the “truth” about my power as an individual, empowering me to turn trials into triumphs, my beliefs into knowing and lack into abundance on all levels of my living. It was an experience in breaking free, risk taking, faith, hope, and inner peace. It has been a lesson in self empowerment and joyful living.” – Dana G
With the world in m ive transformation and the Phoenix has seemingly not yet risen from the ashes, it has become abundantly clear that the material world can not provide you the security you seek. That means security must come from your connection to Spirit. To make this connection you will learn how to master your thinking, your ego, and go within. This is the way to live an inspired life and I will teach you how to do it.
Connecting with your Source is the most important work you will do in your life. It will, in fact, make all other accomplishments possible. Connection allows you to:
“Participating in Jean Walters’ cl has been tremendously enriching, rewarding and exciting. The cl has been the perfect complement to my personal growth as I have begun a new journey in how I perceive and experience life. The cl challenged many of my umptions about life that had kept me from experiencing at the level of joy and intensity I desired. I now live and experience life from a perspective and at a level that I would never have thought possible before beginning this journey. I highly recommend this course to anyone who seeks to live life with more joy.” -Robin W
For 35 years I have explored, studied, researched, and experimented with making the connection and I have developed and shared my methods with thousands. These 52 lessons are the result. They will help you learn how you too can make the connection to your Higher Self. They will be presented one each week by e-mail over 52 week period.
“This cl has helped me learn to interpret life’s events in terms of what they actually are: Events in Life are guideposts along the path of self value.” -Philomena S
“The cl has been a wonderfully enriching and affirming life experience for me. It has helped me to better integrate valuable spiritual principles into my daily life and has greatly expanded every aspect of my being. I am a much happier, creative and empowered human being because of the ideas and concepts I have come to know through this cl . It has taught e to view everything in my life as a lesson and how to move through these lessons much more gracefully and effortlessly. I could not put a price tag on the value of what I have learned from Jean Walters.” – Pat B
None of this is hard but it does require attention and willingness. I have recognized that sharing this information and thereby helping people in this time of global transformation is my purpose. It is my way to empower you. Here is what you will achieve as you incorporate the lessons and techniques into your life:
“This cl has provided me with tools to develop spiritually and has exposed my soul to the Light. By understanding the part the ego plays, developing and using intuition, learning self love and sensing the truth, a life created out of desires rather than fears has been accomplished. This cl has done…
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